Event Guidelines for Students and Guests
Are you part of a university group or would you like to plan an event at KIT as a guest? As the central contact for events, we will be happy to receive your application and coordinate the arrangements within KIT.
To ensure a smooth process, please fill out the forms below completely and refer to the additional information material. Please submit the forms to event∂kit.edu no later than six weeks before the event date. The event will then be approved and the rooms booked. If you have any questions about booking rooms, please contact lehrraumvergabe∂cse.kit.edu
If anything is unclear, we reserve the right to deviate from the standard procedure. We will then discuss all steps with you.
Forms and information material
- Application for the organization of an event (external)
- General information for students
- Basic security concept of the city of KA (only for events at the South Campus from 500 TN)
- On the basis of the application, we will draw up the rental and transfer contracts.